Ireland! Language trip?




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Friday, 24 October 2014

Hey Guys, today I want to introduce you my home country Northern Ireland and its history from the 17th century right up to now. I hope you are interested in history, at least I am.

First of all I am going to explain Northern Irelands background. Why are they separated with the Republic of Ireland and why did  the so called “troubles” take place.

The early centuries:


First of all the plantation of Ulster (a province of Ireland / now Northern Ireland) was organised from Great Britain during the Reign of King James I.  Most of the colonists came from Scotland and England who were protestants.  This began in 1609 by wealthy landowners. These lands which covered the counties of Tycronnell, Tyrone, Fermanagh, Cavan, Coleraine and Armagh were confiscated from Gaelic chiefs due to the loss of nine year war in Ireland . This war was between the Gaelic Irish chieftains and the English rulers. After the loss they left Ireland for mainland Europe.
The cause of the nine year war was because the Irish were dissatisfied with the English government and some Catholics trying to spread Protestantism in Ireland.

The Williamite War in Ireland (17th Century):

This was a conflict between Jacobites (supporters of Catholic King JamesII) and Williamites (supporters of Protestant William of Orange) over who would be King of the England, Scotland and Ireland.
The Dutch Republic were at the brink of war with France, then the greatest militarty power in Europe. The English Stuart Kings Charles II and James II had a close alliance with Louis XIV, the king of France. Therefore William wanted to detach England’s resources of men, money, and arms from France and put them at the disposal of his League of Augsburg.
The League was formed by Emperor Leopold I, acting upon advice of William III of Orange. The reason for its creation was to defend the Electorate of the Palatinate(territory of the Holy Roman Empire) from France. This organizaton fought the War of the Grand Alliance against France from 1688 to 1697.
One thing what makes me laugh is this, while Irish Catholics supported King James, the Papal States joined the League of Augsburg. Pope Innocent XI had lent William of Orange 150,000 Scudi (currency) for war purposes  through his family’s bank.

James was confronted by mostly Protestant Williamites, who were concentrated in the north of the country, due to the before mentioned plantation of Ulster. Willian then landed  a multi national force into Ireland, composed of English, Scottish, Dutch, Danish, Germans and other troops, to put down James and the his followers.  The three big victories were:
  • 1.       The Siege of Derry 18thApril to 28th July 1689, where a Jacobite army besiged a Williamite stronghold in Derry until it was relieved by Royal Navy ships
  • 2.       Battle of the Boyne on the 12th July 1691, this took place at the river Boyne near Drogheda(approx.50 km above Dublin)
  • 3.       Battle of Aughirm was fought one year later 22nd July 1691.
William then defeated Jacobitism in Ireland and likewise in Scotland and England. The war have a lasting effect on Ireland because of the now Protestant rule over the country.
The victories of these most important battles are still celebrated by the Protestants today.  I will come to this later on in my explaination.

Nineteenth Century:

During the 1800s the north and south grew further apart due to economic differences. In the north the standard of living was much higher than the south. Industry and manufacturing flourished, while in the south was hanging back.

Twentieth Century:

Northern Ireland was politically separated from the rest of Ireland until 1920. After dividing those to two separate countries the troubles already started to rise. Most of the Catholic wanted a complete independence from Britain, but Irish Protestants didn’t. They were afraid to in living in a country ruled by a Catholics majority.
 After that a period of guerrilla warfare between the nationalist Irish Republican Army and British forces, began. They signed a treaty which created the Irish Free State. 23 southern counties and 3 counties of Ulster formed the Republic of Ireland and the other 6 Northern Ireland. This was in 1949, the Irish Free State became and independent republic.


Now I’m going to tell you some facts about the troubles.

The Troubles started in 1960 due to the subsiding the agreement of 1921. In the 1960s the Catholic were quite frustrated so they held a campaign for civil rights. The problem was that the Protestant majority was to stay together with the United Kingdom and the republican minority goal was to become a part of the Republic of Ireland. It was a territorial conflict, not a religious but what a lot of others say it was. It was more visions of two different national identities. In the 1920s paramilitary organisations started to form.

Catholic paramilitary organisations:

  • ·         IRA ( Irish Republic Army)
  • ·         INLA (Irish National Liberation Army)
  • ·         IPLO (Irish People's Liberation Organisation)
  • ·         CIRA (Continuity Irish Republican Army)
  • ·        RIRA (Real Irish Republican Army)
  •          OFFICIAL IRA    
  •          PIRA - Provisional

Protestant forces and paramilitary groups:

  • ·         British Army
  • ·         Royal Ulster Constabulary
  • ·         UVF (Ulster Volunteer Force)
  • ·         UDA (Ulster Defence Association)
  • ·         RHC (Red Hand Commando)
  • ·         LVF (Loyalist Volunteer Force) 
  •          UFF  (Ulster Freedom Fighters)

After the civil rights movement, violence started to rise in 1969. Catholic paramilitary groups started to attack citizens with bombing and murdering. There were several efforts to find  political solutions but all failed. Thousands were injured. Thousands were traumatized. Over 3500 were killed. Finally in 1996 the Peace process began. It was difficult because the Sinn Fein party (Political Wing of Provisional IRA) and the UUP (Ulster Unionist Party) were trying to find a path to negotiate. The Protestant party’s viewed this process as unacceptable. They abandoned the talks and apposed the agreement, but they still took their seats.

Nevertheless, the Good Friday Agreement came and marked Northern Ireland with a new political landscape. Both organisations accepted to power share.

This was and still is the end of the Troubles which was a tough time. There are still parades in N.I. because we celebrate our national day the 12th of July (Battle of Boyne). There are still a lot of riots because Republicans in my point of view can’t handle the loss.

The big problem with parades are the Catholic parades. The Parade Commition allow Caltholics to walk through Protestant areas which causes violence. They celebrate the Easter rising.  Picture of the Easter Rising in Dublin (right)

 Living in Northern Ireland today:

Life in Northern Ireland today is not as it used to be.
First of all there are areas where only Protestants and Catholic live. You will notice by the flags what area you are in!
Also schools, some are seperated and some aren't. You should never ask if he or she is Catholic or Protestant. You usally ask where the person lives and then if you have the knowledge you know who or what they are!

I don't want to say that Protestants can't live with Catholics, they can or we can live with Catholics like with any other person. For example my mother is Catholic and my father Protestant. Surely my father makes jokes and is patriot like I am but we are still like anybody else, just more patriot due to this matter.

As you know my father is from N.I. and he is also an protestant, me likewise, and therefore he had told me a lot of stories. Just ask if you want to hear some. I have also a few video links to share about the Northern Ireland Troubles. It’s a 3 part video, each approx. 45min.

If you have any questions then please, your free to ask.

Have fun reading and I hope that there are no too many mistakes
No Surrender
Benjamin Braun

(1300 words) / 3 hours busy reading writing and gathering information 

 Videos of the Troubles:


1 comment:

  1. Haha, Ben. You've just set up our limit of words! For sure I give you a request or as it's named here "a comment".

    As you know, maybe not, Ireland is one of the countries I ever wanted to visit. Hopefully this day will be in 2015. For sure it hasn't been as ineresting as it was when you startet to tell me about it.

    The best thing will be if Mr. Jaeger will accompany our trip in 2015. If not I will help our class to find the best pubs.

    Sure it is not the best comment because I am hammered never the less I've used our vocables of our lessons. PEACE TO YOU!!


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