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Friday 10 October 2014
Hello guys,

i thinks its time to start a discussion.
Tell me what you think about the syrian civil war.
Do you think we have the possibility to help them?

In my opinion there is no word what can describe what happens down there.
The Civil War started in 2011 and there is no end in sight. 2,6 million syrians could escape and 9 millions are still fleeing.
This war started because they have different religions. I don't get it. Please tell me your opinion about this situation.


Correction by Benjamin Braun

  • I think it's time to start a discussion.
  • In my opinion there is no word which could possibly describe the on-going terror.
  • million ( you can say: millions of people but not 9 millions)


  1. I think it's an absolut disgrace what is happening down there. In my point of view both sides are guilty for what they have done to the syrian people. Mass killing and chemical weapons, only because protests against the Assad regime escalated! Its not fair either side. The goverment doesn't want to resign so the protesters start to join rebel groups such as the ISIS and Al Qaeda.

    Religion has always been a big factor for causing war. For example look at the Israel gaza conflict and Northern Ireland troubles. At times I don't understand the world.
    To be honest, I don't know how to help the syrian refugees. I only know that over $6,5 billion have been donated for medicalcare, food and water. Its also difficult for the neighbours to let auch a big mass of people in their country. They have built one of a few refugee camps in Zaatari which has already a population of 80.000. Its managed by a german man and a lot of charity organizations are there to help, such as UNICEF, UAE and more.

    It's a big topic, epecially because its so far the biggest disaster against human rights in this century!
    I really hope that the United Nations do their best to help the syrian people.
    God bless them

  2. This is really a big problem, and it seem´s to me that this isn´t getting better. But didn´t we do the same thing a hundreds of years ago? Between the 10th century and the 13th century the pope sent his holy crusaders to the land of the rising sun. They were able to conquer many territories from the muslims. Their task was to bring the christan faith to the unbelievers. They did horrible things down there.

    In my mind we have the same problem today, but the fact is this,it has changed the sides. So what i would like to add is this, we did also horrible things, but the point is that we "did" this mistake 700 years ago, and we learned from it. Now the muslims trying the same, they wand to kill the unbelievers and they want to bring their religion and their faith to us. I don´t know how someone can brainwash a hole religion, i must say that not every muslim is a fanatic fundamentalist, but i hope they will get a glory sign which will repair their brains soon.

    God bless all the innocent human beings, who died down their for nothing.


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